Understanding What It Takes To Prepare For A Trek

A couple months back, I came across a fairly amusing sight at the gym – I saw a woman brisk walking on a treadmill slouched with an extremely heavy backpack, as if her life depended on it. What was even more amusing was that the treadmill was at an elevation, and the woman could barely hold herself upright due to exhaustion.

backpack treadmill climb

I soon figured that this was her idea of preparing for a trek, with a bag full of lifting plates in order to get a firsthand experience of what she could expect. Later, I found out that there were ‘n’ numbers of people doing the same silly drill in the gym.

To understand what is wrong with this approach, you first need to learn what you should prepare for in a trek.

Keeping the northern part of India in mind, it is essential that you carry a lot of warm clothes, be prepared for the low level of oxygen at those high altitudes, bear in mind that the uphill climb will have unstable surfaces, and so will the downhill decent while carrying a heavy backpack.

To tackle these problems you would need to work on:

  1. A strong core
  2. Strong legs
  3. Skilled sense of balance
  4. Good cardiovascular endurance
  5. Flexibility

While studying for your high school exams you read the chapters first and then train yourself to beat the clock by practicing writing faster. The same way, for a trek you first train on your GPP (General Physical Preparedness) and later focus on SPP (Specific Physical preparedness). GPP lays the groundwork for SPP.

The GPP Phase

In this phase, one should work on general conditioning to improve strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, structure and skill. It also means to prepare for a task by doing certain functional movements that are not necessarily in connection with the actual task but for general physical challenges.

Strong Core: The basic task of standing upright by itself requires a strong core in order to keep the whole vertebrae column safe from injuries. The uphill climb with a heavy backpack would require a preprogrammed central nervous system that is adapted to do so, by performing certain lifts such as deadlifts. Deadlifts strengthen the core, by mimicking the act of picking a heavy object off the ground. Followed by an exercise popularly known as the ‘Good Morning’. The good morning is performed with a load on the back, while doing a hip flexion that takes the load away from the center of gravity, putting the body into a bio mechanical disadvantage which puts a lot of pressure on the Central Nervous System to signal the core to stabilize the load.


Skilled Balance: Climbing up and down an unstable surface is a humungous challenge if has not trained for stability. Apart from the strength of the legs one of the muscles that greatly contribute to stability is the Gluteal Group of Muscles (the buttocks), i.e. the Gluteus Maximus, the Gluteus Medius, and the Gluteus Minimus.

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The Step Up exercise not only works on the stability of the hip joint, but also is suppose to be the best exercise to develop the glutes, as compared to the Squat. Perform the exercise with a load on the back i.e. Barbell, and start with a very controlled eccentric motion (descending down towards gravity). This gives a great challenge to the gluteal muscle; continue the regime by an explosive concentric motion (against gravity). The exercise follows unilateral movements (one side at a time) dispensing load one just one leg at both phases of movement, hence training the central nervous system to stabilize the core, while performing the act of balance on one leg.


Cardiovascular Endurance: Cardiovascular training is pretty complex; professionals practice their runs at special facilities that provide an altitude mask, which helps reduce the flow of oxygen, so one can train them for a trek accordingly.

However, running on the treadmill doing steady state cardio also works fine to build your endurance. Uphill climbs take a big challenge on the heart, as it has to beat faster to pump more blood, with lower stamina one would probably succumb muscular fatigue leaving them fall behind the pack. A proper program of strength training and cardio vascular training is necessary to prepare yourself for such an event.

Flexibility: It is essential to be flexible while performing outdoors tasks, as every limb would be required to perform movements for long periods of time. Flexibility helps a full-uninterrupted range of motion around the joints avoiding injuries and discomfort while climbing. Static Passive Stretches must be performed everyday post workout to increase flexibility.

Once you’ve mastered your GPP, you begin focusing on SPP. A good option for SPP training would be hiking steep outdoor trails, gradually increasing the weight of your backpack on each outing, alter duration either in time or distance to make it more challenging, increase the speed of your climb.

Indoors you could work on Plyometric Jumps to improve explosiveness, Agility Drills – either on two feet or crawling on all fours.

Coming back to, why it is silly to carry backpacks filled with lifting plates on inclined treadmill

Let us look at the SAID principle (Special Adaptations to Imposing Demands) the principle states that in order to be better at something, you have to keep practicing that particular task. Swimming for swimmers, cycling for cyclists and trekking for trekkers. Running on a treadmill will not make you a better outdoor runner and running outdoor will not make you a pro on a treadmill. In the same logic, carrying your sins on your back and walking on an incline treadmill will have absolutely no benefit worth your time, especially if GPP is ignored.

In conclusion, focus on all the components of general fitness, before taking things further with specific fitness in order to maximize the output.

Looking for some guidance to help you sprint through your next major outdoor activity? Click Here to get in touch with me.

Exercises Not Worth Doing

While I believe that doing some exercise is better than no exercise especially in today’s world where people still think twice about gym memberships, healthy lifestyles and proper eating habits. Surely like every other thing in life that changes, through research, trial and error and experience, all for the sake of efficiency, time management and better results. I am very open to the idea of the types of exercises that can be incorporated or eliminated based on the understanding of human biomechanics and kinesiology that would give you better functional carry over and better results.

Here is the list of top 3 exercises:

  1. Leg extensions

Working muscle: Quadriceps (Vastus group)

Joint action: Knee extension

Type: Isolation, supported

While most people believe this isolation movement to be a very good exercise to train the Quadriceps group (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius and Vastus Medialis). This is one of the least efficient exercises as compared to unsupported compound movements such as the Squats, Lunges and Step Ups. The Rectus Femoris is a bi-articulate muscle, which means it passes through two articulations or two joints all the way from its origin at the hip joint to the Tibia Tuberosity (just below the knee); while the Vastus group muscles start from the Femur bone, and inserts at the same place of the Rectus Femoris.

What does this mean?

Based on the scientific theory called the ‘Theory of Insufficiency’, which means when a bi-articulate muscle is present and working at one joint it is absent at the other and cannot be working at both places at the same time. Since the Rectus Femoris originates at the hipbone it is very much active in hip flexion, which happens while sitting down and is absent in knee extension; which is the joint action of the exercise. What you think you are doing is working all 4 muscles, but you are actually eliminating this very strong muscle of the leg. Hence, can also cause knee injuries over a long period if done with heavy weights.

Solution: Stick to compound unsupported movements that would involve all 4 muscles, and give you proper functional carry over.

  1. Hamstring curls

Working muscle: Hamstring group

Joint action: Knee flexion

Type: Isolation, supported

The hamstring curls is a very interesting exercise that went through evolution right underneath humankinds nose. For those who noticed the evolution of a hamstring curl machine that Arnold Schwarzenegger trained on looked like a flat bed to lie on. Later it progressed to a machine that had a slight partial slope from the flat bench to the level of the hip joint to below. And, finally all the way to the modern seated leg curl machine. But, do you know why this evolution occurred?

Leg Press

Barring a few local gym equipment manufacturers, most top grade gym equipment companies now understand what the ‘Bi-Articulate Theory’ and ‘Theory of Insufficiency’ is all about. How do these theories work in this case?

The muscles of the hamstring are made up of Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus and Bicep Femoris, which are two muscles, called a. Short head and b. Long head.

All the hamstring muscles are bi articulate and assist in hip extension and knee flexion (hip extension is the joint action at the hip that happens while standing up from a seated position) except for the Bicep Femoris short head which is uni articulate. While rest of the muscles originate at the Ischial Tuberosity which is on the posterior side of the hip, the short head of the bicep Femoris originates at the lower part of the femur bone and all these muscles insert either at the lateral condyle of the tibia or the medial side which crosses the knee joint and hence assists in knee flexion.

Doing a hamstring exercise while lying down flat on your tummy is a complete waste of time and energy, due to the hips being completely extended all the bi articulate hamstring muscles are working at the hip joint and the only muscle that is assisting in knee flexion and is actually working is the Short Head of the Bicep Femoris. Hence in order for all the hamstring muscles to work the hip has to be at a flexed position at all times. Unfortunately, the hamstring can only be trained in an isolation manner and for best poundage, in a supported movement.

  1. Upright Rows

Working muscle: middle deltoid, upper fiber of the trapezius

Joint action: Elbow flexion and shoulder abduction

Type: Unsupported, compound

Upright row is one of the most famous exercises given to clients, which also is a waste of energy, and is also prone to injuries. People incorporate this exercise to either target the trapezius or the middle deltoid. Due to this being a Kineisologically incorrect exercise and also leading to bad biomechanics this exercise is best avoided, since it not only is a threat to the rotator cuff muscles but also reduces the amount of poundage and range of motion that once can actually train the target muscle.

Do this: Train the deltoids by doing standing Dumbbell or Barbell presses (Shoulder Abduction) and train the trapezius by doing standing Dumbbell/Barbell shrugs (Scapula elevation).

To learn more about your body and how to keep it young, Click Here.

8 Point Checklist To Pick A Personal Trainer

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Most people today need a trainer simply because they assume reading a few training guides online would help them figure out a routine around the gym. But almost always these new generation know-it-all’s are trapped clueless in the gym.

From people with designed fitness goals, to people who are completely lost around the gym, to people who hire personal trainers as a status symbol; whatever the requirement may be personal training in the fitness industry is a must.

But first, let’s get to one thing straight – no two personal trainers work alike!

They may belong to a same grade, but their thought process, judgement on training, period of training etc. varies majorly. Of course, for a lay man, it would all look the same. Even most gyms induct trainers to a client in an arranged marriage setup, having the client matched to a trainer just on priority basis.

That brings us down to one big question – how do you know if you are choosing the right trainer? Here’s how:

  1. Stay away from the “my body is my certificate” type of trainers

It is a big plus to have a trainer with an amazing body, you know- to stay inspired in your process of building a better one for yourself. But if a trainer’s physique is the only selling point they’ve got, be rest assured that s/he might be barely qualified to train or might not even have a single certification for the same.

And, nothing can be more dangerous than training with a trainer who has no certification at all. It’s not much different from getting treated by a doctor with plenty of by-chance experience, but no degree.

  1. Lead by example 

There are instances where you will come across trainers who have the certifications, but do not practice what they preach. I’m talking about the trainers whose physique wouldn’t inspire anyone. Not all trainers want to be fitness models or physique athletes and might look average, but a trainer who cannot take care of his own body, will rarely be able to inspire you to take care of yours.

You will only trust an architect based on how good their current or previous project is, and not on what they promise they could build for you. After all, actions do speak louder than words!

  1. Give me proof

There are many things that make a good trainer, but always ask for their educational qualifications and enquire about their experience. A good trainer will have a basic certification from a recognised academy, followed by certifications in different specializations. For every claim that they make, ask for a legal right to practice that.

  1. Know the difference between a “Star” and a “Great” trainer

Most gyms will sell you a personal trainer on the lines of the trainer being popular. And, they’re popular based on the business they present their company with. Good sales skills are essential to be good at your job, but it doesn’t mean all good salesmen provide you with good products. Look for a trainer who will be able to simplify things, take interest in you and holds knowledge.

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  1. If you do not practice, you should not teach

Most trainers are so busy training people that they do not make time for them self. The more a trainer practices what he teaches you, the safer you should will feel about his clarity in that particular subject, form and technique.

  1. Listen before you teach

Your first meeting with the trainer says it all. Starting from their handshake, to confidence; the welcoming smile and most importantly how much time they take to listen to you before they start giving you advice. Everyone has a different problem area, make sure your trainer takes the time to understand yours.

  1. Do you have time for me?

A busy trainer normally could mean that they are in demand for various reasons. But, it could also mean that they may not have the time for you at a particular slot that you would wish to be trained in. Make sure that your trainer can make time for you, else there would be a lot of rescheduling and cancellations. And this in-turn would demotivate you to reach your goal.

  1. Grooming and presentation

Nothing can be a worse than having a personal trainer with a bad breath, body odour and shabby hair. Also, a well groomed disciplined trainer is a person who takes time and effort for them self, and would push you to do the same.

Make sure your trainer embodies the qualities that would help you reach your goal, if not, it’s better you switch than deal with it!

CLICK HERE to know more about keeping yourself fit! 

10 Quotes That Will Change The Way You Think About Fitness

Quotes that motivate us have been going around Facebook and other social media platforms for a very long time now. And, obviously most of them are about fitness, as we all know how challenging following a diet and a workout routine is.

Here’s a list of my favourite top 10 quotes that have been driving me insane to keep the beast mode on.

For the one who just can’t get started 

“You don’t have to be great to get started, you have to get started to be great.”

Finding reasons such as ‘I won’t be able to lift those weights’ or ‘I won’t survive an hour on the treadmill because I’m not fit enough to exercise’ are just half assed reasons to not get out of your comfort zone.

My suggestion: Do not listen to that voice in your head tune out every day for 6 days. Make friends with a fellow member, the receptionist or a trainer. Make it a point to leave your comfort zone and leave rest to the experts.

Point 1

For the ones who don’t want a come back

“If you’re tired of starting all over again, then don’t quit.”

As a fitness professional I could write a book on the number of excuses and reasons I hear from people as to why they don’t want to try again after an undesirable experience which made them quit. A long list of reasons which stretch from their home to the gym include things such as – work pressure, failed attempts, injuries, etc. and the list goes on.

My suggestion: Do not to quit in the first place. If something means a lot to you, then it deserves number one priority in life. This is your body and it should be cared for, and just like any other priorities, you need to make time for it.


For the women, who want it all but can’t give their all

“Train like a man, look like a Goddess”

Although the mindset has been changing lately, there are still a few women who want to look like a Goddess but are not willing to do what it takes to reach there. Pink and green colour weights that resemble the size of cucumbers won’t get you anywhere; neither will the over doze of group class activities. Women! If you want to look hot, you got to lift and train like a man. Rephrase: You need to lift weights. Period! Muscles shape a body, unfortunately women gain muscle at a very slow rate as compared to men.

My suggestion: Involve at least 3 days of challenging weight training exercises and spend the other 3 days with your favorite cardio or group classes.


For those who want to rub Aladdin’s magic lamp (No pun intended)

“You don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for.”

Watching your favourite actor/athlete and wishing you would look like that, but not even willing to do move a muscle; will only leave you back on that sofa where you’ve been planning your New Year’s resolution for all these years.

My suggestion: Prepare a set of small goals! Goal number #1 – find a gym close to your office. Don’t buy a pair jeans two size smaller to motivate you.

For those who mistake the health club for a relaxation spa

“Train with purpose or don’t train at all.”

Just because you spend exorbitantly on a personal trainer, a fancy gym and gym wear, doesn’t mean you are going to see results. People who visit the gym to socialize make me cringe. Figure your fitness goals. Plan your next set while you are resting between sets.

My suggestion: Take help from a fitness professional, learn about your body and chart a map for it to reach the goal. And, don’t wander off of it.

For those who can’t get it right, no matter how many times they try

“Those who practice till they get it right are persistent. Those who practice till they can’t get it wrong are masters”

Any skill related techniques take a lot of patience so you can get it right, and master it. Remember the more you try and fail, the more knowledge you accumulate on what things don’t work. Experience is a great teacher.

My suggestion: Every time you want to quit, think about what got you started in the first place. Focus and keep going.

point 6

For those having a hard time ignoring the naysayers 

“I can, and I will. End of story”

How many times have your friends and close ones told you, that you can’t so something and how many times have you agreed with them?

We all are guilty of this at some point of our lives. Keeping a hard core and never say die attitude towards where you want to reach is vital in reaching your fitness goals.

My suggestion: Keep a tunnel vision of what you want to achieve, and a crystal clear image of what you are going to look like. And you will in no time  turn a deaf ear to the naysayers.

For those who hang out with the wrong kind of company

“Surround yourself with fitness minded people, positivity can be contagious”

Friendship is a bond, but sometimes you need likeminded people around you who share the same goals and aspirations. The last thing you want is a bunch of friends who are least interested about their health to be a part or motivating factor for you.

 My suggestion: During the weekday keep away from party mongers, you don’t want any distractions. Learn the art of balancing friendship and your own needs.

point 8

For those who want to hit two birds with one stone 

“Every pound of muscle you gain should be making you stronger.”

Aesthetics comes naturally with proper nutrition, but building muscle should also be making you stronger and not only look strong. Nothing more embarrassing to a muscular person than not being able to match his strength levels with the way he looks.

My suggestion: Train for strength as it is the foundation to fitness, and then branch out into specific needs. Look the part and also be able to play the part.

point 9

For those who need will, power and dedication

“The body achieves what the mind believes.”

Whether you think, you can or you cannot, both ways you are right. Being able to accomplish a task totally depends on how you feel about it and the situation. A positive mind set is a good start to anything. The mind is a very strong weapon and it is what gives an iron will to reach your goal. Learn to train your mind so that your body will listen to you.

My suggestion: Read a lot about the strength of having a positive mind set and the results it generates. Belief and faith in yourself is what makes you move forward.

Best of luck with your training.

And, I say fuck motivation! Motivation disappears at the first sign of doubt get yourself some discipline.

Helius D'Souza

CLICK HERE to learn more about discipline! 

Does Toning Down Mean Muscling Up?

Helius Dsouza

The fitness industry has always been swarming with different ideas and concepts on fitness, to an extent to where everyone is trying to be unique. Hence, it ends up complicating things even further for the masses, who are misled by the baseless information provided.

Fitness has always been simple, and to the point: simply select the type of workout that is basic and efficient in terms of reaching your goals.

What is efficiency, when it comes to fitness? It simply is doing a type of workout that delivers the best results in the simplest, and the safest way. Unfortunately, with the ongoing rat-race many myths and misconceptions add up to this simple industry.

“Ready to get toned, without bulking up” is one such article on the front page of a newspaper, that talks about how one can get “toned “ and “tighten” their body without bulking up.

What is so misleading about this article?

Well to start off with, it fails to mention what the word “toning” means, and what do you mean by a toned body. A toned body simple means a person who carries very minimum body fat and a good amount of lean muscle. The opposite of toned, would mean bulk where a person is bulky. A bulky person simply is a person who carries a lot of body fat as compared to the lean muscle mass he or she is carrying. So my question is, if someone’s goal was to get toned, shouldn’t they be talking about nutrition? What does changing the type of workout have to do with toning? To tone up you need to exercise and follow a fat loss diet.

“The article talks about a negative attitude towards weight training, fearing that they’d put on muscle. To me this sounds like a person afraid of driving his car, because he is afraid of becoming a pro race car driver.”

Failing to realize the struggle, the discipline, and dedication it takes to build lean muscle and the amount of time it takes, especially in the case of women. They key to anti aging or slowing down the aging process is to build as much lean muscle as possible, since aging reduces lean muscle.

Here are some of the half truths that are misleading the public into following less efficient methods of training and hence reducing intensity levels and defeating the purpose of calorie burn:

Rule #1 Combine muscles

The article talks about integrated movements to burn calories, for example a biceps curl along with a squat. This is a very less efficient way of exercising. While doing a squat you should only be squatting and putting all your efforts into getting more efficient at squatting, and reaping its functional benefits. Bicep curls are to be done separately combining both exercises together reduces the workload, and intensity of the exercise and it compromises on the calorie burn.

– What should be done?
Focusing on compound movements for calorie burn and building more lean muscle will not only be more efficient, but also does not compromise of the workload of the exercise.

– What you should not be doing?
Following any random advice or article written in newspapers without a consultation from a certified and qualified fitness professional.

Rule #2 Do combination workouts

“A trainer ensures that you do combination workouts that further ensure that you do not build up too much muscle mass.” However if you are not keen on visiting a gym, pick up a DVD, that teaches you how to tone your body at home, by performing various strength training exercises.”

– What should be done?
Any trainer that designs a workout where he ensures you do not build “too much muscle “ does not realise the efforts it takes to build a “little muscle”, let alone the idea of too much muscle. Never hire a trainer who does not understand, in order to get toned, you need to build muscle.

– What you should not be doing?
Buying a DVD, that teaches you how to get toned and perform strength training at home. Neither of these can be done from home.

Rule 3# Work up all muscles in your body

There is truth in this statement you must plan on doing a full body workout. But a full body workout cannot be done every day, especially when you move from beginner to intermediate levels.

– What should be done?
If you are an experienced gym goer, divide your workout by different body parts. Preferably combine all pushing movements on one day, and pulling movements on another.

– What you should not be doing?
Perform combination workouts if you have an opportunity to divide your workouts in a proper manner, and if you have time on your hands.

“Toning exercises that will help you get a leaner and fitter body?”

There are no special “toning” exercises and special non toning exercises. An exercise is an exercise and an exercise should be done to make you functionally fit, stronger, and more efficient in your day-to-day activities by doing compound movements. If you want to get toned my truthful advise to you is, eat in such a manner that promotes fat loss, nutrition is the key to changing body composition, let your exercise do what it has meant to do, and that is work on improving your functional efficiency.

For any further information, click HERE.

10 Things That Make Milind Soman An Inspiration

11206024_706738229455541_1500494972070884141_n Everyone’s abuzz with 49 year old Milind Soman completing one of the most difficult events, the Ironman Triathlon in just 15 hours and 19 minutes. It is hard to ignore the will and determination it takes to achieve such a hard task from a man who is a leading example in the Indian fitness industry. How many people do you know of who are in such great shape at that age, while maintaining such great fitness levels? Here are some interesting facts about Milind Soman and his contribution to a better and healthy future for all Indians, and to the fitness Industry. (For the people who are unaware of this race – Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bicycle ride and a marathon 26.2-mile (42.2 km) run, raced in that order, without a break. It is widely considered one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world.)

  1. Milind Soman was always interested in keeping fit from an early young age, and opted to take a lot of interest in swimming since his school days. He has held the national swimming championship title for 4 years in a row since 1984.
  2. He had been training hard and non-stop for more than 86 days diligently for this event. 10402552_924525720895853_4212776395181526565_n
  3. He has been actively involved and has shown his support for women to take up an active and healthy lifestyle. He has been a part of the Pinkathon marathon that supports breast cancer all over the country. 1655901_457232997710373_1715581067_n
  4. Milind is one damn busy man, and has always made the time to keep fit since age 10. He may not have the time to go to the gym, but he emphasizes that it is not the end, and that he still makes time for exercise and running every single day.
  5. His fitness tip to us all is to drink a lot of water to maintain a glowing and healthy skin and most importantly to keep ourselves hydrated. Simplicity in exercise routines is the key according to him and long training hours is not necessary. He feels single joint movements (isolation exercises) are useless and one needs to do natural actions which would benefit them in the day to day life. 1926805_10152226515463769_2141533497_n
  6. According to him Indian food is very nutritious and one must stay away from junk food and follow a balanced diet. His fitness mantra is “Be Active Always. The more you sit, the more you’ll be sick.” 46736_10152110310518393_18237665_n
  7. In a market where you get shoes for every different type of workout, Milind Soman truly likes to keep it simple by running bare foot. According to him he feels it’s the best way to run. I wouldn’t argue with that as barefoot training is a trend that seems to be catching up real fast and has a lot of benefits. 10990834_1080258042000203_5317756523538072701_n
  8. Being a person who burns about 700 to 750 calories per day, he isn’t a fussy eater although he eats smart and right. He occasionally indulges in a burger or some dessert and doesn’t feel guilty of his cheat meal as he is a very active person.
  9. The only fruit he loves eating a lot are bananas. He says bananas contain a lot of potassium, a runner looses a lot of potassium through sweat while running, hence bananas are a good source to fuel this need. 11039838_713521442110553_1442005857041338340_n
  10. Avery good tip for sedentary people as advised by Milind is, getting off the chair walking around while you think or even while talk over the phone.

What more would you want as an inspiration from someone who has no time to go to the gym, or someone who is closing in to their 50s. 11175049_719620294834001_9069589430096194252_nFor any further information, click HERE.

The 7 Deadly Sins Of Training

The locker room paradox

Most of us treat the locker room the same way you’d treat a water cooler in office. In simple words, you’re procrastinating, with some gossip or perhaps some bitching in an attempt to kill the time.
Instead spend time, psyching or mentally preparing yourself for a great workout. Think about the weak parts of your body, recollect how many sets you did the last time, and try focusing on training that part of your body more efficiently.

And, post workout just keep to using the facilities, making yourself a good protein shake and leave the locker room to make space for the other people coming in.

Warming up cold

Most people mix this up all the time. Static holds are meant to stretch and relax the muscle after a hard and tough workout. Whereas, dynamic mobility is meant to be done pre-workout to get your joints moving, and to mobilize your joints so they can get a proper range of motion.

Mixing static holds with dynamic mobility is asking for trouble, and could invite unwanted injuries.

Training clueless

So when someone asks you, “Hey, what you training today?” You better have a solid pre-programmed response, like the terminator hell bent to kill Sarah Conner. There is nothing more pissing off than to hear someone say, “Ahh… umm… I was thinking chest, but maybe, I shall train my fingers or play with my phone.”

The self obsessed

Clicking selfies, playing with your hair or using your phone, all of them are a strict no no. Not only do you waste time, it irritates everyone around you, and it’s really extremely kiddish.


Curling at the squat rack

There’s a special place in hell for people who do biceps curls at the power cage or squat rack. The squat rack is purely for squats. The dumbbell section is where you train your arms. Let the heavy lifters have their fun at the power cage.  Besides, dumbbells are much better for training arms compared to barbells any day.

Playing the sensei

Googling a random workout program from iknowitall.com, and following that routine is one thing, but sharing it with others, you’re going to hell mister! No one is seeking your advice unless you’re a nutritionist or a trainer. There’s a reason gyms hire qualified certified trainers.

Not racking the weights

What you can take off the rack, you can keep back. If it is that hard for you, just consider it your last rep. But for heaven’s sake do not throw the weight on the floor. Yes, there are trainers at the gym floor all the time, but re-racking weights is not a part of their job.

For any further information, click HERE.

How to get started?

Eat right! Sleep tight! Lift quite!

548877_525093437528868_561986515_nNo two people can follow the same diet, workout regime, and show equal progress. Simply because no two people are the same. So following any crazy routine off the net just is a bad idea. If you want to turn 35 without a nasty back pain, excess cholesterol and flab everywhere, find a gym, a good trainer and a nutritionist today.

Everyone has exotic plans for the future; make sure you’ll be able to enjoy them. Here’s how you begin:

  1. Keep It Around The Block

A fancy club certainly makes you want to hit the gym every single day, but be realistic here, you have a job, family, plus travel. Pick a gym that’s in proximity to your home or workplace. No one likes having a relationship with the traffic.
P.S.: Most gyms offer a 3 day trial, USE IT! Speak to a few trainers while you’re on trial and look for good deals on memberships and trainers.

  1. Bid Adieu To Junk

Following a diet is one of the toughest things you’d have to do to join the fitness bandwagon. But kissing goodbye to processed food and junk food could work wonders for a beginner.

  1. Have A Plan

Don’t just join the gym because you know someone who joined, or because you got a great corporate deal. You need to have a short term and a long term vision, in order for you to have a great time getting fit. Enlist a trainer and chart a realistic goal for every month.

Now that you’ve done your research, this is what you’ll need:

  1. The Kicks
    If you’re a runner, a pair of running shoes that are light on your feet, and offer good shock absorption for foot landing are perfect. But, if you’re planning on heavy lifting a running shoe just won’t do. Lifting shoes have a flat and hard sole that provide stability and helps keep your feet closer to the ground. I recommend Adidas Powerlift 2.0 for lifting and latest technology gel based shoe for running.
  2. The Covers
    Shorts are way comfortable than tracks, and that’s the only thing that should matter. Always keep comfort and ease over style. Loose comfortable clothes provide proper range of motion to the joints and hence proper technique.
  3. The Necessities
    Most health clubs provide you with towels, one for a shower and one to carry along while you workout. Keeping a napkin handy is basic gym etiquette, so you keep yourself and the gym dry.
  4. No Deo, No Cry
    No one can stand bad body odour. Period. It is very natural to sweat and stink during training, but not doing anything about it, is completely unacceptable. Always carry a deodorant or a roll on to the gym.

Day 1:

Approach the receptionist, ask for assistance, normally a general trainer will help you with your workouts on the first day. Make sure you check how much you weigh. Some gyms provide an induction program where they keep track of your body measurements and composition.

And, finally a huge number of people quit within a month. Especially, when they feel lost or do not see any results coming in, having a positive mental attitude here is all that would make the difference. You’ve already discovered that you’re in a bad shape, why wait for that medical report with a lot of bad news? Just remember, nothing comes easy!

For any further information, click HERE.